Murder inquiry launched following death of a woman in Seafield area of Edinburgh

The body of 77-year-old Jadwiga was found by officers in her home early Saturday morning. Picture: Police ScotlandThe body of 77-year-old Jadwiga was found by officers in her home early Saturday morning. Picture: Police Scotland
The body of 77-year-old Jadwiga was found by officers in her home early Saturday morning. Picture: Police Scotland | Other 3rd Party
Police launch murder inquiry after the body of a 77-year-old woman is discovered

Police say they have launched a murder inquiry following the death of a woman in the Seafield area of the Capital.

Officers said the body of 77-year-old Jadwiga Szczygielska was discovered within her home in Pirniefield Bank following a call to the Scottish Ambulance Service.

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They added that a 44-year-old man has been arrested and charged in connection with the death and is due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Tuesday, 21 April.

Detective Inspector Bob Williamson, of the Major Investigation Team, said: “Our enquiries indicate that this was an isolated incident but we are keen to speak to anyone who may be able to help with our investigation.”

He added that if anyone saw anything suspicious in the early morning of Saturday, 18 April, or anyone who may have information that would help them should call Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident 0756 of 18/04/2020 or make a call anonymously if they prefer to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.