‘70-year-old’ exposed himself in front of woman in Aberdeen

Police said the woman was left “badly shaken” by the incident.

Police in Aberdeen have appealed to the public for help catching an elderly man who exposed himself to a woman on Thursday, May 21.

They said a 37-year-old woman was running along Old Deeside railway line between Bieldside and Cults at 6:30pm, when a man indecently exposed himself in front of her.

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The man is white, around 70-years-old, roughly 5’7” tall, with a slim build and short grey hair.

Police in Aberdeen have appealed to the public for help catching an elderly man who exposed himself to a woman on Thursday, May 21.Police in Aberdeen have appealed to the public for help catching an elderly man who exposed himself to a woman on Thursday, May 21.
Police in Aberdeen have appealed to the public for help catching an elderly man who exposed himself to a woman on Thursday, May 21. | Other 3rd Party

He was wearing dark coloured trousers and tinted spectacles.

Police said his victim was left badly shaken by the incident.

Constable Jack Calvert said: “The area can often be used by local people out exercising and I am appealing to anyone who was in the area around the time of the incident to get in touch with us.

“Perhaps you saw something which seemed insignificant at the time, however, it could now be relevant to our inquiries so please pass your information on.”

Anyone with information is asked to call Police Scotland via 101, quoting reference number CF0111530520 Alternatively, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.

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