Plans under way for reopening of dental practices

Plans under way for reopening of dental practicesPlans under way for reopening of dental practices
Plans under way for reopening of dental practices | JPIMedia
Routine dental services have been suspended during the lockdown

Plans are under way to re-open dental practices around Scotland as part of the resumption of NHS services, Nicola Sturgeon has said.

Routine dental services have been suspended during the lockdown and patients with serious toothache have faced multiple courses of anti-biotics or needless extractions.

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But Ms Sturgeon said dentistry will be part of the push to get NHS services operational again.

She said: “That’s all part of the consideration that’s under way. Obviously we will talk to the dental profession and go about that.”

Chief Medical Officer Gregor Smith added: “What we’ve got to make sure for any aspect of clinical care whether it’s for dentistry or whatever is that we’re taking an approach that manages the risk appropriately.

“That’s the risk for the individuals who are seeking care, but also for those who are delivering the care as well.

“Dental services are no different in that. Part of the plans that we are beginning to develop around how we restart and prioritise services in a safe sense includes dentistry and particulalry that urgent need to address some of the more symptomatic cases.”

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