The Kelpies shine blue for the NHS

The Falkirk landmark will be lit in support of the health service

The Kelpies in Falkirk will be illuminated by blue light each night as a sign of support for the NHS, amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.

Andy Scott, the artist who designed the 30 metre sculptures, told The Scotsman: “I am thrilled the Kelpies have been illuminated blue to celebrate the NHS.”

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He called the NHS “a very worthy cause at any time, all the more so now.”

The Kelpies in Falkirk will shine blue each night of the crisis.The Kelpies in Falkirk will shine blue each night of the crisis.
The Kelpies in Falkirk will shine blue each night of the crisis. | Other 3rd Party

A spokesperson for the Falkirk Community Trust, which looks after The Kelpies, told The Scotsman: “We felt it appropriate to celebrate, along with the rest of the country, the amazing work the NHS and other key workers are doing at this time.

“The Kelpies are proud to play a part in this national recognition for the NHS.

“We have decided to keep the Kelpies blue every night for the foreseeable future, to show Falkirk’s continued support for all the key workers and volunteers during these exceptional times.

“We look forward to reopening to the Helix, Home of the Kelpies once the government has lifted the travel restrictions, in the meantime, stay safe, stay local,” they added.

Each of The Kelpies, built from structural steel, weighs more than 300 tonnes.

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