Perth care home group creates £200,000 hardship fund for staff in financial trouble

Balhousie Care Group has around 1,400 staff.Balhousie Care Group has around 1,400 staff.
Balhousie Care Group has around 1,400 staff. | Other 3rd Party
Perth-based Balhousie Care Group is offering interest-free loans to staff financially affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

The care home company has made a fund of £200,000 available to assist employees who may fall into financial hardship due to self-isolation or their partner losing work as a result of business closures.

The scheme makes up to £200 available for each member of staff and was launched along with a dedicated smart phone app providing company updates and coronavirus tips and guidelines.

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Group chief executive Jill Kerr sent a message of thanks to Balhousie’s 1,400 staff, saying: “You all continue to show dedication and commitment to your residents and each other during these testing times, and as an employer we thank you sincerely.

“We hope that by launching this programme, it helps lessen the burden of financial worry many of you may be experiencing.”

The business currently operates 25 homes in Scotland.

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