Call for the Pill to be available without prescription during pandemic

Alison Johnstone MSPAlison Johnstone MSP
Alison Johnstone MSP | Freelance
New emergency coronavirus legislation could be amended to include a measure which would allow the contraceptive pill to be made available from pharmacies without a prescription.

The Scottish Parliament is due today to debate the second emergency Covid-19 Bill which aims to help public services continue to operate during the coronavirus pandemic.

Scottish Green MSP Alison Johnstone will attempt to amend the legislation as she believes the lockdown measures have reduced access to contraceptives which is a “major concern for many women in vulnerable situations”.

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Currently the contraceptive Pill can only be accessed for free with a prescription and the Scottish Government is conducting a “scoping exercise” into how community pharmacists might be able to provide it if they receive the necessary training and access to relevant clinical information.

However Ms Johnstone wants to see a change written into the new Bill. She said: “Allowing pharmacists to issue the contraceptive pill free of charge would reduce pressure from frontline GP services and remove barriers for women who need to access contraception at this most challenging time.

“The Scottish Government has advised that people should think serious about starting a family during this crisis, so it is important that it makes access to contraception as easy as possible.

“Ministers have already announced that the minor ailment service offered by pharmacies has been extended during the emergency period. Allowing women to access the contraceptive pill through this service would be a great relief for many, while at the same time relieving pressure on frontline GP services. I intend to bring forward an amendment to the emergency coronavirus legislation to ensure this can happen.”

She added: “There is particular concern that many women are more vulnerable to domestic abuse, including coercive control, as the lockdown continues and access to contraception must be part of the support available for those who need it, when they need it.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “The Scottish Government is undertaking a detailed scoping exercise on how to make bridging and long acting oral contraceptives available through the community pharmacy network.”

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