Netflix attracts millions of new users during lockdown

Netflix has seen its subscriber numbers soar as people stay at home during the coronavirus lockdown.

Almost 16 million people created accounts in the first three months of the year, the streaming giant said, with shows such as Tiger King and Love Is Blind drawing massive audiences.

"Netflix is and will continue to be the media company least impacted by Covid-19," said eMarketer analyst Eric Haggstrom.

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"Their business is a near perfect fit to a population that is suddenly housebound."

Netflix has seen a huge spike in its subscriber numbers.Netflix has seen a huge spike in its subscriber numbers.
Netflix has seen a huge spike in its subscriber numbers. | Other 3rd Party

Such has been the demand for streaming, Netflix announced last month it would reduce the quality of its videos in Europe to ease internet capacity as more people work from home.

The home-entertainment firm also hired an additional 2,000 customer support staff to handle the increased interest.

Netflix said it expected to add another 7.5 million members in the three months to the end of June - above analyst expectations. But it warned investors that viewers and growth would decline as governments around the world lift lockdowns restrictions.

"Given the uncertainty on home confinement timing this is mostly guesswork," it said.

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