Under the Radar: Saint Sappho

Saint Sappho PIC: Lucy YoungSaint Sappho PIC: Lucy Young
Saint Sappho PIC: Lucy Young
Glasgow duo Saint Sappho sound like Courtney Love fronting Oasis with a string section, write Olaf Furniss and Derick Mackinnon

Glasgow duo Saint Sappho met on a dating app called Her back in 2022 and not long afterwards embarked on a musical union which has been consistently delivering quality music with a broad range of lyrical themes, ranging from meditation sessions to London’s secret lesbian clubs.

Comprising Zoe Young, who grew up in Perthshire, and Dundonian Tammy Dyson, the pair were treated to a broad musical pallet as children ranging from reggae to Britpop. Both band members studied at Glasgow School of Art, but while Young was already a multi-instrumentalist when they met, Dyson learned drums to realise their musical vision, as well as overseeing the bands design, photography and videos.

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On Friday Saint Sappho released their latest single on Optimo Music Rocks, which features the tracks Fade Away (imagine Courtney Love fronting Oasis with a string section) and Far Gone, which has echoes of Curve and Garbage.

Their debut album is out later this summer and includes a vinyl version, and on Saturday they play their first show outside Scotland at the Songs From Northern Britain festival in Stockton, see https://linktr.ee/saintsappho

Olaf Furniss and Derick Mackinnon run music industry seminar and social night Born To Be Wide visit www.borntobewide.co.uk

Off Axis Tours CIC is an artist-to-artist, community interest company, on a mission to make the live industry fairer for musicians. Off Axis enables bands and solo acts to build a nationwide fanbase by swapping gigs and touring the UK. They offer a transparent model, where artists keep 100 per cent of profits, showcase at festivals and benefit from expert mentoring. Get tickets or join https://offaxisgigs.com

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