Together, let’s conquer all 282 Munros in one day - enter the Mighty Munro Muster and claim your mountain!

Don’t miss your chance to be part of the ultimate Munro bagging challenge

Enter the Mighty Munro Muster now and secure your place. Be part of history, with teams ascending every Munro in one day, and raising money for RHASS and rural charities across Scotland.

The audacious endeavour this September is being organised by RHASS (The Royal Highland & Agricultural Society of Scotland) as it celebrates its 240th year.

Alisdair Caulfield – RHASS Director of Advancement added: “RHASS is Scotland’s leading agricultural charity and that encompasses all of rural Scotland, including the Munros and all land-based activities. That is why we are so excited to be able to host this unique event.

“It is not just a feat of physical endurance; it's a testament to community spirit and a celebration of Scotland's rich rural heritage.

“More than 500 participants are expected to scale new heights, not just in the Munros but in a commitment to fostering a sustainable and vibrant future for rural Scotland.”

It is anticipated more than £100,000 will be raised for projects aimed at safeguarding the rights of the people who live and work in the countryside and preserving everyone's access to breath-taking landscapes. The funds raised will be a driving force for positive change, leaving a lasting positive impact on rural communities. 

Be part of something special

Whether it is Ben Lomond in the south or Ben Hope at the top of Scotland, the awe inspiring Aonach Eagach ridge above Glencoe or the remote Beinn na Lap on the edge of Rannoch Moor, there is a Munro for you and your skill level.

Applicants will be able to choose their first and second choice region and the category of difficulty (Entry Level, Intermediate, Expert, Expert with ropes) - they will be entered into a ballot and are guaranteed to be offered a Munro at the level of desired difficulty and a Munro within their first and second choice of region.

Nobody walks alone, but if there are lone entrants, RHASS will work to create teams, of up to five.

If you want to enter with a team of colleagues or friends, you will be able to make that clear on the website, to ensure you are allocated the same route.

Each team at the summit will fly the RHASS standard, take a photo, and could be featured in The Scotsman’s picture feature published after the event. 

We can’t wait to see the Mighty Munro Muster taking place. It is your chance to step into the heart of Scotland's majestic landscapes as part of a monumental challenge by RHASS that aims to conquer all 282 Munros within one day. Picture this: a collective effort involving more than 500 participants, ensuring that no one faces the ascent alone.

Alisdair Caulfield, RHASS Director of Advancement

Enter now  

The Mighty Munro Muster takes place on September 21, 2024 and applications are open now. For more information on how to enter and all you need to know please visit the Might Munro Muster website

Applications cost £60 and includes free training guides and useful resources, a fundraising toolkit, merchandise and kit-list.   

A minimum fundraising target of £240 per person is required.