Libby Clegg on staying composed for Glasgow 2014

Libby Clegg runs with her guide Mikail Huggins in the 100m event during the London 2012 Paralympics. Picture: AFP/GettyLibby Clegg runs with her guide Mikail Huggins in the 100m event during the London 2012 Paralympics. Picture: AFP/Getty
Libby Clegg runs with her guide Mikail Huggins in the 100m event during the London 2012 Paralympics. Picture: AFP/Getty
NOT long to wait now. For years we have regarded 23 July, 2014, the date of the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony, as some distant event. But not any more.

It’s this month now, just weeks away, and many athletes will spend a lot of time in the coming weeks trying to remain calm and ensuring that every aspect of their preparation goes smoothly.

It does all feel that it’s come round very quickly, but even so, I don’t feel nervous yet. Perhaps it’s because I have a couple of races to focus on first before my mind turns to the Games, or maybe my previous experience of big events like the Paralympics helps. But be that as it may, I’m sure the nerves will start to make themselves felt soon.

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