Who is striking in February 2023? Full list of industrial action taking place - including RMT and NHS workers

A wave of industrial action is set to take place next month - including RMT train strikes, NHS workers and nurses, as well as teachers.

Industrial unrest that emerged towards the end of 2022 is to continue into  February.  Hundreds of thousands of workers from a number of industries are set to go on strike over  disputes concerning pay, jobs, pensions and conditions.

Railway staff from The National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport (RMT) have recently confirmed additional dates of strike action to take place in February. They join a growing list of professions, such as NHS workers, teachers and civil servants.

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Trade unions are fighting to give members a better and more supportive package as the UK continues to suffer as a result of the ongoing cost of living crisis. The inflation rate in the country, which was once at 40-year high of 11.1%, is now at 10.5%.

February 2023 is set to be flooded with strike action with at least one profession walking out each week. It is set to cause widespread disruption up and down the UK, such as less trains running and potential school closures.

Here is a date-by-date breakdown of all the planned strike action taking place in the UK in February 2023.

Strikes taking place in February 2023


Wednesday, February 1

  • 100,000 civil servants will stage a 24-hour strike supported by the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union. This affects staff at government ministries, driving test centres, ports, airports and museums.
  • Eligible members of the National Education Union (NEU) will strike in England and Wales.
  • Aslef and RMT train drivers at 14 participating train operators walk out which will bring a halt to trains at more than a dozen lines.
  • More than 70,000 staff at 150 UK universities will walk out working with the University and College Union (UCU).

Friday, February 8

  • Second day of strike action for RMT and Aslef members

Monday, February 6

  • Royal College of Nursing (RCN) nurses will strike for 12-hours.
  • GMB union members will stage a walkout - including paramedics, call handlers, emergency care assistants and other staff.
  • Unite union members will stage industrial action - ambulance workers at the following trusts; West Midlands, East Midlands, North West, North East and Wales.

Tuesday, February 7

  • RCN nurses will walk out for 12-hours.

Thursday, February 9

  • CSP Council has called industrial action which affects NHS physiotherapy staff.

Tuesday, February 14

  • National Education Union members in Wales will strike on this day.

Thursday, February 16

  • Unite health and social care workers will start the first of two planned 48-hour strikes in Northern Ireland.
  • Unite ambulance workers will also begin the first of two 48-hour strikes in Northern Ireland.

Friday, February 17

  • Strike action for Northern Ireland ambulance workers of Unite continues.

Monday, February 20

  • Members of the GMB union, which consists of paramedics, emergency care assistants, call handlers amongst other staff will walk out.
  • Further industrial action from Unite ambulance workers in the North East, East Midlands and Wales.

Wednesday, February 22

  • Start of strike action for Unite ambulance workers in the North West of England.

Thursday, February 23

  • Second day of planned 48-hour strike action by health and social care workers of Unite in Northern Ireland.
  • Second day of planned 48-hour strike action by ambulance workers of Unite in Northern Ireland.

Friday, February 24

  • Ambulance, health and social care workers of Unite will continue their strike in Northern Ireland.

Tuesday, February 28

  • Eligible members of the NEU in North, North West, Yorkshire and The Humber regions of England are to walk out.
  • Teachers unions NASUWT and Education Institute of Scotland (EIS) will walk out.

The list of industrial action and dates in February was correct at the time of publication. Note, the article will be updated if any changes are made, or any further walk outs are confirmed by trade unions.



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