Villagers corner and kill deadly black mamba snake

The mamba is one of the most venomous reptiles in all Africa. Picture: GettyThe mamba is one of the most venomous reptiles in all Africa. Picture: Getty
The mamba is one of the most venomous reptiles in all Africa. Picture: Getty
Brave villagers ransacked a dark hut in southern Zimbabwe in search of a deadly snake as their neighbour lay dying from its bite.

Bernard Masikati, 55, was bitten on the heel by a 3.1 metre-long black mamba which had slithered into his hut in Gono village earlier this month.

Nurses at a nearby clinic in the remote rural area of southern Masvingo province said they could do nothing and sent him home.

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While Masikati lay dying, ten of his neighbours waged a grim and extremely dangerous battle to try to trap the snake inside the hut and kill it.

Recognised by their distinctive “coffin-shaped” heads, black mambas are one of sub-Saharan Africa’s most venomous snakes.

Unlike many other snakes, which will avoid confrontation if at all possible, black mambas can be aggressive and will bite their attackers.

Victims die within hours of a bite if enough venom has been injected.


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Masikati, who was single, had gone into his hut in the daytime to fetch some cornmeal used to make Zimbabwe’s staple sadza dish, according to reports from local people.

“After the attack, Masikati started foaming from the mouth before experiencing breathing difficulties,” the local newspaper reported yesterday.

“He was later taken to a local clinic where nurses who attended to him ruled out any chances of him surviving.