Teen jailed for 12 years for raping 91-year-old

Kriss Strachan was jailed for 12 years after admitting sexually assaulting a 90 year old woman. Picture: HemediaKriss Strachan was jailed for 12 years after admitting sexually assaulting a 90 year old woman. Picture: Hemedia
Kriss Strachan was jailed for 12 years after admitting sexually assaulting a 90 year old woman. Picture: Hemedia
A 91-year-old woman who was raped in her own home has been “completely destroyed” by the crime, her daughter said yesterday as her teenage attacker was locked up for 12 years.

Kriss Strachan, 18, forced his way into the pensioner’s property in Bellshill, North Lanarkshire, where he repeatedly punched her before carrying out the sex attack last July.

A judge told Strachan the consequences of his actions were “truly appalling” as he passed sentence yesterday for the “cruel and degrading” attack.

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