Poll: Two thirds of Tory party members believe Theresa May should resign

Prime Minister Theresa May speaks outside 10 Downing Street after returning from Buckingham Palace. Picture; GettyPrime Minister Theresa May speaks outside 10 Downing Street after returning from Buckingham Palace. Picture; Getty
Prime Minister Theresa May speaks outside 10 Downing Street after returning from Buckingham Palace. Picture; Getty
A poll of 1,500 Conservative Party members has found that 60% believe that Theresa May should quit as Prime Minister.

The poll results come as discussions go ahead today as Theresa May looks to form her minority government.

Carried out by the Conservative Home website, 60% of all those asked welcomed a leadership battle with just 37% of the 1,500 members who took part saying she should stay in her post.

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Speculation has been mounting over a leadership challenge following poor general election results which saw her party lose its majority.

Speculation had been mounting during the campaign about the future of some cabinet members. Picture; GettySpeculation had been mounting during the campaign about the future of some cabinet members. Picture; Getty
Speculation had been mounting during the campaign about the future of some cabinet members. Picture; Getty

Early favourites for the role as Party leader include Boris Johnson, Amber Rudd and David Davis.

Despite the crticism for her campaign, Theresa May has refused to quit despite calls from her opponents to consider her position.

The snap election called by the Prime Minister saw the Conservatives finish eight short of the 326 needed for a majority, with talks now being sought with the Democratic Unionist Party and its 10 MPs to allow her minority government to pass legislation.

Yesterday, the Prime Minister announced that her five most senior ministers will all keep their jobs, despite speculation throughout the election that Phillip Hammond and others would be replaced.

Speculation had been mounting during the campaign about the future of some cabinet members. Picture; GettySpeculation had been mounting during the campaign about the future of some cabinet members. Picture; Getty
Speculation had been mounting during the campaign about the future of some cabinet members. Picture; Getty

Mr Hammond tweeted: “Pleased to have been re-appointed so we can now get on and negotiate a Brexit deal that supports British jobs, business and prosperity.”

Yesterday, early favourite for the leadership Boris Johnson, took to social media saying: “Delighted to be reappointed Foreign Secretary. Lots of great work to do for [the] greatest country on earth. Let’s get cracking for global Britain.”