No vote ‘should mean no to future polls’

Almost 60 per cent of voters believe September's independence referendum should be the last, according to a new poll. Picture: Ian RutherfordAlmost 60 per cent of voters believe September's independence referendum should be the last, according to a new poll. Picture: Ian Rutherford
Almost 60 per cent of voters believe September's independence referendum should be the last, according to a new poll. Picture: Ian Rutherford
AROUND three in five people believe that the SNP should not seek another independence referendum if the country votes No in September’s ballot, according to a poll.

A YouGov survey for pro-Union campaign group Better Together found that 59 per cent of those quizzed believe the party should “consider the matter settled” if Scotland votes to remain part of the UK. Some 63 per cent said the Nationalists should “mainly concentrate their campaigning on increasing devolution to Scotland, not full independence”.

Around a quarter, 24 per cent, said the SNP should concentrate on making the case for Scottish independence, not just devolution. Some 13 per cent said they did not know.

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Almost a third, 31 per cent, said the SNP should campaign for another independence referendum in the future following a No vote, while 10 per cent said they did not know what their stance was.

YouGov questioned 1,148 Scottish adults for the survey conducted from 8-11 April. Details of the poll’s findings were released by Better Together on the second day of the SNP’s conference in Aberdeen.

Speaking for the pro-UK group, Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie said: “This is a very positive poll for a strong Scottish Parliament with more powers… it confirms the clear message from other polls. The idea of a ‘neverendum’ doesn’t appeal to Scots.”

An SNP spokesman said: “Given that the most recent poll shows Yes only needs another three points to reach 50 per cent, the most interesting aspect of the No campaign’s poll is that they didn’t ask the referendum Yes/No question.”