Home Office has spent £6 million on Windrush scandal response

Home Secretary Sajid Javid is leading the Government's response to the Windrush scandal. Picture: Ben Pruchnie/Getty ImagesHome Secretary Sajid Javid is leading the Government's response to the Windrush scandal. Picture: Ben Pruchnie/Getty Images
Home Secretary Sajid Javid is leading the Government's response to the Windrush scandal. Picture: Ben Pruchnie/Getty Images
The Home Office has spent more than £6 million so far on its response to the Windrush scandal.

New figures published by the department show it had spent £6.05m on activities relating to its Windrush reform programme and an independent “lessons learned” review as at the end of October.

At that point there were 175 “full-time equivalent” staff assigned to the initiatives, while additional personnel have been used at times during the financial year.

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