Reconstituting conservatism for Scots

Brian Monteith’s suggestion that Labour’s only hope is to have more Scottish voices at the top of the British party or even a Labour first minister sitting in a Labour Cabinet (Perspective, 26 September) is credible, but this is also true for the Scottish Conservatives.

As Murdo Fraser fights to create a new centre-right party and the three other candidates claim that a renewal of the existing party is the only viable solution, none of the contenders has highlighted why it is so important to increase the number of MPs at Westminster as well as the number of MSPs at Holyrood.

Many Scottish Conservatives want to see a Conservative prime minister in Downing Street but there is a greater number of Scots who wish to see Scottish politicians in key roles in the Cabinet, no matter what party they belong to, in order to represent and drive home the interests of Scotland.

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