Letters: Loss of Pentlands ranger will impact on care of hills

After reading your article regarding axing a dedicated ranger service within the Pentland Hills Regional Park (News, April 11) it made me very sad / angry that this is going ahead.

I had heard from someone in Midlothian a while ago about this, and it is my understanding that the failure to pass car parking charges had nothing to do with the decision to merge the two services, in fact this was decided way before the car parking issue was raised. It is my understanding that the main problem occurred when Midlothian Council reduced the amount of funding it was giving to the Regional Park. We already pay a high council tax bill so this should come out of that and not car parking charges in the first instance.

As a frequent user of the Pentland Hills it saddens me that they will no longer be looked after properly by a dedicated and highly specialised ranger service with a lot of local knowledge of the hills. Not only will this impact on the care and maintenance of the hills but also the invaluable provision of an education source for our children, local community groups and general public via guided walks etc.

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