Nicola Sturgeon has been ignoring her day job for three years – Brian Monteith

Nicola Sturgeon should put education first like she said she would, says Brian MonteithNicola Sturgeon should put education first like she said she would, says Brian Monteith
Nicola Sturgeon should put education first like she said she would, says Brian Monteith
Devolution has been a disaster for Scottish education – and the SNP are making it worse with obsession over independence, writes Brian Monteith.

The state of Scottish ­education is very worrying. Over the last 20 years, since the Scottish Parliament was able to get its hands on what happens in our schools, there has been a slow but inevitable drift away from parental authority and independence of schools towards a centralising dumbing down of standards.

It has not been one particular party. It was the Labour and Liberal Democrat coalition that abolished the ability of schools to be self-governing while remaining in the state system and it was also the same administration that abolished school boards – where in more than 80 per cent of Scottish schools parents used their legal right to be represented and have a voice. They were cheered on at the time by the SNP when Nicola Sturgeon and Mike Russell were opposition ­education spokesmen.

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