Janet Christie's Mum's the Word - Keeping it under your hat is the way to go

When haircut trauma strikes it’s best to stay mum
Mum's the Word. Pic: Adobe stockMum's the Word. Pic: Adobe stock
Mum's the Word. Pic: Adobe stock

Middle Child appears looking very mournful, hat jammed on his head. He always has a hat jammed on his head, but not the mournful expression. Something’s up.

“Why the long face?” I ask. “To which the correct answer is so your eyes can scan for predators while the bottom bit of your face is eating - I know this from when I was on safari and the ranger explained, with reference to giraffes, zebra, warthogs and…”

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“When I was on safari…” mimics Youngest and sniggers. “So annoying.”

“I had to go for work,” I say.

“Had to go for work,” she says. “God, annoying.”