Ikea colleagues save grandad’s life in store

Murray Seaton's Ikea colleagues saved his life. Picture: Neil HannaMurray Seaton's Ikea colleagues saved his life. Picture: Neil Hanna
Murray Seaton's Ikea colleagues saved his life. Picture: Neil Hanna
WHEN he woke up in a hospital bed, Murray Seaton thought he might have been dreaming.

The 62-year-old had gone to work at Ikea, in Straiton, on December 18, just like any other day, but when he got on to the shop floor he suffered a serious cardiac arrest.

Shocked co-workers rushed to Murray’s aid, grabbing one of the store’s defibrillators to shock him four times before paramedics arrived and rushed him to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.

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The grandfather said he knows that he might not be alive today if it were not for the courageous actions of the store’s firstaid team.

Murray said: “I think I was going to move something and I collapsed. I’m told that a member of the team got the defibrillator and they worked to revive me while waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

“It was a fantastic thing they did. When the paramedics came, they told the team that if they hadn’t intervened then I might not have survived.”

Murray spent more than three weeks in hospital before returning to his home in Cameron Toll where he started to recover, supported by his wife Myra, his daughter Morgan, 19, and his son Myles, 28.

He said: “I was taken to the hospital but I can’t really remember anything for a couple of days after I woke up.”

When he found out he had been saved by his colleagues, Murray was overcome by emotion. He said: “I was shocked to find out I had to be revived four times. I would like to say thank you to everyone. If this had happened outside work then I might not have made it.”

The long-serving employee is looking forward to returning to his post in the next few weeks, as his doctors have given him the green light.

Murray also offered his support for the Evening News’ Shockingly Easy campaign, which aims to install defibrillators in every sports club in Lothian. The drive was launched last year in partnership with the family of Jamie Skinner, a talented 13-year-old footballer who suffered a fatal cardiac arrest on a Saughton football pitch in 2013.

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Murray said: “I hope people realise how important defibrillators are. I am very supportive of the campaign as I feel more people should be aware of these sort of things. It saved my life, after all.”

The Swedish chain has led the way by installing heart-start machines in every shop in the UK and Ireland more than a decade ago. Some of the larger stores have more than one device and every branch has first- aiders who are trained in how to use a defibrillator.

A spokesman said: “The safety of our customers and co-workers is always highest priority for Ikea and we strongly believe in having trained first- aiders and the correct first aid equipment in all of our stores.”