Huge support for miners strike campaign

A BID to force a review into the convictions of miners sentenced during the 1984-85 coal strike has received “overwhelming” public support, it was claimed today.

Lothians Labour MSP Neil Findlay said nearly 550 people had written to Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill and Lothian and Borders Police backing a demand made jointly by himself and by Midlothian Labour MP David Hamilton. Mr Findlay said: “Since making the call for an independent review of all convictions against Scottish miners just one week ago, I have been overwhelmed with the public support for our 

“I have had over 500 supportive emails and letters from people across Scotland and beyond. Each of these individuals has taken time to contact the Justice Minister and the Chief Constable of Lothian and Borders Police, expressing their support for a review of these cases.

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“This shows how important this issue is not just for those who were involved at the time but for wider Scottish society.

“It is my belief that there is a genuine feeling that a long standing injustice needs to be put right.”

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