Vandals smash windscreen of one of only two ambulances on Scottish island

One of only two ambulances on a Scottish Island is out of use after having a window smashed.

Vandals threw a bottle of apple Sourz liqueur at the windscreen causing it to crack.

The vehicle, which was parked in the Stewart Drive area of Stornoway, is now out of commission.

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NHS Western Isles provide care for about 27,000 people in the area and only have two ambulances.

Police are looking into the incident, which happened between 9pm on Saturday and 3pm on Sunday.

Health workers expressed their “beggars belief” after seeing the damage given the strain on NHS services during the coronavirus outbreak.

In a post on twitter the health board wrote: “NHS Western Isles has two emergency vehicles for a range of emergency responses, not least Coronavirus. Vehicles much needed at this time.

“One of our two vehicles is now out of commission.

Vandals smash windscreen of only one of two ambulances in Western IslesVandals smash windscreen of only one of two ambulances in Western Isles
Vandals smash windscreen of only one of two ambulances in Western Isles | Other 3rd Party

“This beggars belief, words escape us.”

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200,000 Scots most at risk from COVID-19 will be written to about self-isolation

Since the picture of the damage has been posted online, Scots have reacted angrily to the heartless act.

One commenter said: “This is disgusting, whoever did that should be ashamed of themselves.”

Another posted: “Hard to comprehend why someone would do that, if anyone who knows who did that, hand them in.”

Coronavirus cases are expected to rise “sharply” in the coming weeks, according to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

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As of today, 499 people in the country have tested positive for the virus – up 83 from yesterday, and four more deaths in the last 24 hours bring the total death toll to 14.

About 200,000 Scots most at risk from Coronavirus are to be contacted in the coming days and told to self-isolate at home for up to three months.