Fife manufacturer supplying vital medical components urges other SMEs to share coronavirus insights to lift spirits

Semefab is currently manufacturing millions of temperature measuring chips for medical tools.Semefab is currently manufacturing millions of temperature measuring chips for medical tools.
Semefab is currently manufacturing millions of temperature measuring chips for medical tools. | Other 3rd Party
Glenrothes-based manufacturer Semefab, which has been inundated with orders from across the globe for its semi conductors, is urging other small businesses to share their contributions to the fight against Covid-19 in an effort to lift spirits during the lockdown.

The Fife firm is currently working to supply more than 10 million non-contact temperature measuring chips for medical instruments to combat the coronavirus.

Semefab hopes that sharing its efforts, and urging other small firms to do the same, will “add a touch of comfort” for the public in difficult times.

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The company is also producing ultra-low pressure sensors for respirators and anaesthesia kits, among other supplies essential for use in medical instrumentation.

Managing director Allan James said Semefab is “ready to supply any company in the UK and indeed around the world that is manufacturing vital equipment or devices”. He added that the business had moved to 24/7 working to meet demand.

International strategic alliances specialist Gerald Forrest said: “This is an instance of leading by example. As an advocate, may I take this opportunity to encourage all to do whatever it takes within your spheres of influence in these global human challenging times to help save lives.

“In the current scenario, anything that is within our individual and collective abilities to influence that has an outcome of saving lives must be a ‘can do’.”

Peter Grant, MP for Glenrothes and central Fife, added: “When we see news coverage of coronavirus testing either from the UK or from far flung corners of the globe, there's a good chance that the equipment being used relies on precision components made right here in Glenrothes.”

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