Coronavirus in Scotland: 5 new Covid-19 deaths brings total to 1862

Five people in Scotland have died from Covid-19 in the last 24 hours, according to data released by the Scottish Government.

A total of 1,862 patients have died in Scotland after testing positive for coronavirus, up by five from 1,857 on Sunday, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said.

She said 13,627 people have now tested positive for the virus in Scotland, a rise of 141 from 13,486 the day before.

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There are 1,453 people in hospital with confirmed or suspected Covid-19, down 31 from 1,484 the previous day, Ms Sturgeon added.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. | Getty Images

Of these patients, 80 are in intensive care, a fall of two.

She cautioned that the relatively low number could be down to death registrations generally being lower weekends.

Ms Sturgeon said that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's planned changes to the lockdown in England do not apply here in Scotland, at this point in time.

The First Minister stressed that this is not for any political reason - but rather that the Scottish government is not yet confident that these changes can be made safely right now.

Ms Sturgeon said: "So Scotland's lockdown restrictions remain in place for now, and your key message remains the same.

"We need to stay at home, we do not at this point want to see more businesses opening up or more people going to work.

"We do not yet want to see more people using public transport

"And we are not yet changing who can or should be at school."

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