Clock tower with two twelves

Arthur Nicholson wants to know if anyone can shed some light on an Edinburgh curiosity he noticed when he was making up a quiz on Edinburgh clocks. He explains:

"The clock tower on Register House in Princes Street has three faces with clocks on each.

"The easiest one to photograph was the one facing along Princes Street. When you look up at this face with the naked eye, all appears to be in order, but a long shot picture was going to make the quiz too easy, so I used a telephoto lens to show only a close - up of the tower and clock face.

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"When I looked at the resultant photo, it stood out like a sore thumb that this clock face has two twelves on it.

"I have asked all my friends if they have noticed this, and many others too, but to date, I haven't come across anyone who knew of this mistake.

"The clock was provided in 1790 by a London Company who were clockmakers to the King and it is hard to believe that this was purely a mistake."

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