The heat is on

While the heat wave is undoubtedly a fantastic boost for everyone to enjoy the outdoors, we would urge people to consider the flip side and the issues it may present for older people in particular.

Many people are very kind and will think to check on older and vulnerable neighbours during cold snaps.

Given the conditions excess heat can exacerbate, some older people may need some extra support, just like they would when it is very cold. Very hot weather can adversely affect heart and breathing problems so the elderly welcome someone offering to pop to the shops for them, for instance.

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Through our work with isolated older people in Scotland, we know many people have little regular social contact and this may be impacted further by the extreme temperatures.

If there’s someone you think might appreciate a knock on their door and a phone call, please do not hesitate to offer kindness.

It may be the lifeline the older person is waiting for.

Valerie Crookston

Contact the Elderly


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