You could be barking up right tree for Scotland

THE public are being asked to name their choice as Scotland’s national tree.

The Woodland Trust charity is asking Scots to join an online survey to find out what tree they think best represents the nation.

It comes in the wake of a petition submitted to Holyrood calling for the Scots pine to be made the country’s national tree.

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Rory Syme, of the Woodland Trust Scotland, said: “Just 17 per cent of Scotland’s land area is wooded, and less than a third of that is native.

“Despite that, we have a great range of native trees, each of which has its own important place in the ecosystem.”

He admitted the Scots pine was “undoubtedly going to be a favourite”. But he went on: “We want to give some of our other native trees a chance to shine.

“Suggestions have already included the Arran whitebeams, which are the only species of tree that are only found in Scotland, and also the rowan, which is well known for its striking red berries.”

The results of the survey will be handed to the Scottish Parliament, which is considering campaigner Alex Hamilton’s petition for the Scots pine to be made the official national tree.

Last month, he told MSPs that 70 countries already had a national tree. He said having one was a “symbolic statement of a nation’s aspirations and its commitment to woodland”.