Meet the real characters behind the hit Facebook inspired film The Social Network

Released in cinemas last week, The Social Network is the hit movie of the year, a tale of greed, passion and betrayal. Best of all, it's true. Written by Aaron Sorkin, directed by David Fincher and based on Ben Mezrich's book, The Accidental Billionaires, it turns the creation of Facebook, the social networking site now valued in the billions, into a piece of high, urgent drama.

We see supergeek Mark Zuckerberg crashing Harvard's computer network with an attractiveness-rating website that he invents to humiliate his ex-girlfriend Erica. Recruited to create a social networking site by WASP-y bermensch twins Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, and their business partner Divya Narendra, he instead sets up Facebook, which quickly goes global.

The film ends in 2009 with Zuckerberg estranged from his friend, backer and business partner Eduardo Saverin; detached from his svengali, the flashy co-founder of Napster, Sean Parker; settling a lawsuit with the Winklevosses for $65 million; and feebly sending "friend" requests to Erica's Facebook page. Zuckerberg dismissed his depiction in the film as "pure fiction" but hasn't taken legal issue with the script.

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Today, Zuckerberg, 26, remains CEO of Facebook, owning 24 per cent of its stock and appointing three of the five seats on its board. Despite his estimated $6.9 billion (4.4bn) personal fortune, he lives in a modest rented house in Palo Alto with girlfriend Priscilla Chan, is learning Chinese, and last month donated $100m (63m) to Newark's state school system. But what of the other real-life players in The Social Network?

Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, both 29

Born into a privileged, high-achieving New York family, the "Winklevi", as they are cruelly dubbed by Mark Zuckerberg in the film, are 6ft 5in mirror-image identical twins: Tyler is right-handed, Cameron left-handed. Born by caesarian section, neither of them is sure who is "older". Their nonchalant joint achievements are frankly terrifying to mere mortals.

Both majored in economics at Harvard (where they belonged to the elite Porcellian Club) and this year attained MBAs at Sad Business School, Oxford. They were on the 2008 US Olympic rowing team, placing sixth, and rowed for Oxford at the 2010 Boat Race. They both play piano "to a very high standard" and, aged 13, taught themselves HTML and started developing web pages for businesses.

While at university in 2002 the Winklevosses conceived, with fellow student Divya Narendra, the Harvard Connections networking site. In 2003 it was verbally agreed that Mark Zuckerberg would write the programming code, and only months later he launched Facebook. The Winklevosses sued him in 2004 and in 2008 received a settlement of $65m (37m) in cash and shares. They are currently appealing for a larger settlement, claiming Facebook misled them over the value of its shares.

This year Cameron set up the socialite website, on which he and his brother can be seen carousing with celebrities, including Armie Hammer, who plays both twins in The Social Network. They live in Princeton and are in training for the rowing events of the 2012 Olympics. They are both single, and both on Facebook.

Sean Parker, 30

Sean Parker is portrayed as the villain of the film, a selfish, conniving, out-of-control chancer who drives a wedge between Facebook's founding friends Zuckerberg and Saverin. Yet a recent Vanity Fair article credited Parker with foreseeing Facebook's potential and ensuring both its growth and autonomy. It's also said Parker understands the web's interface with ordinary life better than anyone, and that he's changed the world twice, if not three times.

An erratic student who nonetheless started programming computers aged seven, Parker was arrested at 16 by the FBI for hacking into a Fortune 500 company. At 19 he tipped the music business into disarray when he created the file-sharing network Napster with the even younger Shawn Fanning. In 2004 he met Zuckerberg and became founding president of Facebook, only to be forced out in 2005 after he was arrested for cocaine possession (no charges were filed).

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The film gets the rock'n'roll lifestyle of this lord of misrule right.

He stays up late, parties hard, and knows everyone from Sean Lennon to Trudie Styler. He is currently involved in various web-based filesharing and social media services, takes an interest in new developments such as Spotify and Chatroulette and is still consulted by Zuckerberg. He finds and manages investments for early Facebook backer Peter Thiel's venture capital arm and attended the World Economic Forum in January. Parker is thought to be worth $1 billion (630m), and recently donated $100,000 (63,400) to California's bid to legalise marijuana. He does not, apparently, lack for female company.

Eduardo Saverin, 28, Chris Hughes, 26, and Dustin Moskovitz, 26

Brazil-born, Miami-raised Eduardo Saverin, a successful financial speculator while at Harvard, provided $1,000 in seed money for the very early stages in the development of what would eventually become Facebook. A falling-out in 2004 led to a protracted court case, only resolved in 2009 when Saverin's status as co-founder was returned to Facebook's masthead. He has kept a remarkably low profile since 2004 but his 5per cent share of Facebook is thought to be worth $1.3 billion (824m), and a recent blog on CNBC's website, ostensibly commenting on Fincher's film, was thought to herald his new entrepreneurial activities. He claims, on Facebook, to like Vin Diesel, Barack Obama and Michael Jackson's This Is It.

Chris Hughes, another early founding partner and spokesman, owns 12 per cent of Facebook stock, worth around $2.8 billion (1.78bn). He has worked as entrepreneur-in-residence for venture capitalists General Capitalist Partners and for political consultants GMMB, where he mobilised Obama's 2008 online election campaign. After travelling through some of the world's poorest countries, this year he set up the non-profit organisation Jumo, which aims to let people share skills charitably worldwide.

The company's fourth co-founder, Dustin Moskovitz, left Facebook in 2008 to found Asana, a software company aimed at helping companies collaborate. He retains a 6 per cent – $1.4bn (888m) – share in Facebook which – since he is eight weeks younger than Zuckerberg – makes him America's youngest billionaire. He donated $50,000 (31,700) to California's legalise cannabis campaign.

Divya Narendra, 28

The New York-born son of two Indian doctors worked on the Harvard Connections site with the Winklevoss brothers and joined them in their lawsuit against, and payout from, Facebook. From 2006 he worked in finance for Credit Suisse and Sowood, and this year founded SumZero, a website which allows fund managers to share investment ideas. He lists his interests on Facebook as "women".

Erica Albright, 26 (assumed)

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The Social Network opens with Mark Zuckerberg's girlfriend Erica dumping him, after which he humiliates her in a blog, then includes her on a hot-or-not website he invents – the germ of Facebook. Sorkin reportedly stuck close to some of Zuckerberg's (now long-deleted) angry posts on blogging site LiveJournal but invented the character of "Erica" to avoid embarrassing Zuckerberg's real-life ex, whose name was blanked out on e-mails reprinted in Mezrich's book.