Aberdeen MP Ross Thomson ‘removed’ from Commons bar by police

Aberdeen MP Ross ThomsonAberdeen MP Ross Thomson
Aberdeen MP Ross Thomson
Scottish Conservative MP Ross Thomson was escorted out of a Commons bar after police were called to reports of “sexual touching”.

Eyewitnesses claimed the Aberdeen South MP was “incredibly drunk” and “worse for wear” on Tuesday night at Strangers Bar at Westminster – a venue popular with parliamentary staff.

Conservative Party staff in London and Edinburgh are aware of the reports and are looking into them.

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It is understood the Serjeant at Arms, who is in charge of security within the House of Commons, has also been informed.

The MP is reported to have given a statement to police before being escorted from the building.

In a statement, the Metropolitan Police did not confirm Mr Thomson’s identity, but said: “Police were called at approximately 23:00 on 5 February to a bar within the Palace of Westminster following a report of sexual touching.

“Officers attended and spoke to the parties involved– three men in their 20s and 30s.

“However, no formal allegations were made to the officers and no arrests were made.”

Mr Thomson is yet to comment after being contacted by The Scotsman.

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