A new Philippines-linked Covid variant has been found in England - should we be worried?

Public Health England (PHE) is investigating a new variant of Covid that was first reported in the Philippines.

The country, which currently has the second-highest number of coronavirus cases in South East Asia, reported 33 cases of a new strain on 9 March.

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It comes as two further cases of the P1 Brazil variant were found in England, PHE said.

So, what is the Philippines-linked strain, how many cases have been detected - and is it anything to worry about?

Here is everything you need to know.

What is the new variant?

The new Philippines-linked strain under investigation by PHE is known as VUI-21MAR-02 (P3).

It has the same E484K spike protein found in the Brazil variant, which is thought to have originated in the city of Manaus.

The P3 variant has been designated a variant under investigation, whereas the P1 Manaus strain is a variant of concern.

How many cases have been found in England?

Two cases of the new variant have been discovered in England.

Health officials said one of these cases was linked to international travel, while the other is still being investigated.

It has not been confirmed where either cases were found.

In a statement, PHE said: “The variant includes a number of notable mutations including E484K and N501Y, which are found in several other variants of concern.