Europe's governments 'knew of CIA torture flights'

EUROPEAN governments knew that so-called CIA "torture flights", some of which landed in Edinburgh, were taking place, investigators said today.

The head of a European investigation into the transportation of terrorist suspects also said that evidence pointed to the existence of a system of "outsourcing" of torture by the US and that it was highly likely that European governments knew of it.

But Swiss senator Dick Marty said there was no formal evidence so far of the existence of clandestine detention centres in Romania or Poland as alleged by the New York-based Human Rights Watch. Mr Marty's comments follow accusations fired at the Scottish Executive that it knew about torture flights landing at Edinburgh and other Scottish international airports.

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The SNP said the Executive had turned a blind eye to the situation and published pictures of alleged CIA planes at Edinburgh Airport. The party also compiled a dossier which lists in detail the planes and the dates on which they landed while allegedly operating for front companies of the CIA.