Six-year-old boy pricked by needle on Dundee bus

Picture: Police ScotlandPicture: Police Scotland
Picture: Police Scotland
A SIX year-old boy was taken to hospital yesterday by his worried mum after he was pricked by a discarded hypodermic needle on bus seat in Dundee.

And Police Scotland were today investigating whether the needle had been left accidentally or deliberately on the seat of the city bus.

A force spokesman said the Dundee youngster had boarded the No. 17 bus in Berwick Drive with his mum and younger sister at about 2.45pm on Monday when the incident happened.

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He explained: “They stayed downstairs while he went up to the top deck to sit at the front. As he sat down on the right-hand seat, he put his hand down and was stuck by the needle. He ran downstairs to his mum who immediately took him to the family’s health centre and then on to Ninewells Hospital, where he had his needlestick injury cleaned and received a tetanus injection.”

The spokesman continued: “At this stage it is unclear if the needle was left on the seat accidentally or deliberately. Equally, it is not known if it had been used for drugs misuse or legitimate medical means.

“Police officers are currently trawling CCTV from the bus as a priority in an effort to trace who the needle belonged to and would also appeal to anyone who was on the bus yesterday to get in touch as they may have information useful to enquiries. Anyone who has information should contact Police Scotland on 101, or speak to any officer. “