Sainsbury's deliveries cut for Festival

SUPERMARKET giant Sainsbury's is halting home deliveries to parts of the Capital for a month - blaming traffic congestion during the Festival.

The store said that road closures and delays meant it would not be able to operate its normal service between August 13 and September 5, to homes in the EH11 and EH12 areas such as Gorgie, Murrayfield and Broomhouse.

But residents and councillors are scratching their heads over the decision, pointing out that these areas are "nowhere near" festival venues or roads that would be affected by the events.

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A Sainsbury's spokesman said they had "not taken the decision lightly" but felt it was the best course of action. Asda, Tesco and Waitrose are all operating a normal service.

Tory councillor for Corstorphine and Murrayfield,