‘The Union has fought the virus’, says Scottish Conservative MP

A Conservative MP has questioned decisions taken in Scotland to fight the coronavirus pandemicA Conservative MP has questioned decisions taken in Scotland to fight the coronavirus pandemic
A Conservative MP has questioned decisions taken in Scotland to fight the coronavirus pandemic | milesgilmour
The Scottish Government has spent too much time “demonstrating its independence” when it could have adopted a UK-wide stance in fighting coronavirus, a Conservative MP has claimed.

Andrew Bowie said Scots would soon be able to judge how they felt the pandemic had been handled north of the Border when they go to the polls at the 2021 Holyrood elections.

The MP for West Aberdeenshire praised the UK Government’s economic response to the health crisis and held it up as proof the Union between Scotland and England was stronger than ever before.

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The SNP said it was “completely inappropriate” to politicise the coronavirus crisis by turning it into a debate about independence.

In a blog post, Mr Bowie said: “Together our Union has fought this virus. Together, we have supported one another.

“And together we will fight the economic fall out to come. Over the last few years, the strength of our union has been tested as never before.

“It has proven itself to be as solid as the rocks on which these islands are built.

“The state of our Union is strong. Let us move forward together- putting the differences of the last decade behind us as we build a new Britain – Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.”

Mr Bowie, 32, a self-confessed devolution sceptic, did reserve some praise for the actions of Holyrood in recent weeks.

“I have made no secret of my misgivings around devolution,” he said. Too much made of our differences. Poor decisions taken to the detriment of the people and economy of Scotland not least the higher tax burden on middle income earners in Scotland compared to their counterparts in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

“And yes, decisions were taken by the Scottish Government that must be challenged- in particular how support for businesses north of the border was managed.

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“At times I fear, there was too much focus on put on demonstrating its independence when, in actual fact, adopting a whole UK position- delegating temporary authority to Westminster on certain issues, may have been the wiser course.

“But these issues are ones I have with the people taking the decisions – not with devolution per-se. And the Scottish people will be able to make their judgement on how they feel the situation has been dealt with at the ballot box next year – just as the British people, as a whole, will be at liberty to in a few short years.”

A spokesman for the SNP said: “It is utterly bizarre – and completely inappropriate – that senior Tories keep trying to politicise the coronavirus crisis to turn it into a debate about independence.

“The First Minister and the SNP government are fully focused on tackling the current health crisis and the impact on jobs and incomes.

“The public will rightly expect all politicians to be doing the same – not making tone-deaf attacks on the principle of devolution.”



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