Climate change: Net Zero Secretary Màiri McAllan defends Scottish Government's track record

Net Zero and Energy Secretary Màiri McAllan.Net Zero and Energy Secretary Màiri McAllan.
Net Zero and Energy Secretary Màiri McAllan.
The Climate Change Committee says it is now ‘impossible’ to meet its 2030 emissions targets

Scotland’s net zero secretary says any government that says it is doing enough to tackle climate change is “not forthcoming”.

This comes after the Climate Change Committee, the government’s statutory climate watchdog, warned it is now “impossible” for ministers to meet their legal target of reducing emissions by 75 per cent by 2030.

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Chris Stark, the chief executive of the committee, says the target is now “beyond what is credible”, after Scotland missed eight of its past 12 annual emissions targets.

However Net Zero and Energy Secretary Màiri McAllan has defended her government’s track record on climate change, but added she would not say ministers are doing enough.

Speaking to BBC Good Morning Scotland, Ms McAllan said: “I think in general the SNP and their partners in the Greens are utterly committed to tackling climate change, but the fact is the scale and pace of what’s required means we need to do more.

“Any government saying they’re doing enough is not forthcoming, and you won’t hear that from me.

“But we must not underplay the magnitude that is needed - it needs genuine transformation across the economy and society and that won’t happen overnight, but we are steadfastly committed to it.”

She added she and her staff “very much value” the advice of the Climate Change Committee, but added this new report is a “re-articulation” of the advice it gave to the Scottish Parliament when the 2030 target was set.

Ms McAllan added: “I am proud of our last five years in Scotland.

“We are responsible for 75 per cent of all new forests in the UK, completed the largest floating offshore wind leasing round, largely decarbonised electricity production, banned single use plastics, had 37 per cent of our oceans within marine protected areas, introduced low emission zones, and have the most comprehensive electric vehicle charging network outside of London.

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“There is a significant number of actions the government is taking.”

This morning Mr Stark said while it is is now “impossible” to meet the target to reduce emissions by 75 per cent by 2030, it is still possible to meet the target of net zero by 2045.



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