Analysis: Rishi Sunak being investigated is a reminder that transparency more important than policy

Rishi Sunak is being investigated by Parliament's standards watchdog, in what is becoming a frequent occurrence for political leaders.

Last year the same happened to Sir Keir Starmer, with checks over whether the Labour leader declared his interests correctly on two counts, his earnings and gifts, benefits or hospitality.

The leader of the Opposition failed to register on time eight interests, including Premier League box seats and the sale of a plot of land, but the incidents were described as "minor or inadvertent".

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Now the Prime Minister finds himself in a similar situation, over shares his wife, Akshata Murty, holds in Koru Kids, a childcare agency that could benefit from a policy unveiled in the spring Budget. Ms Murty was listed as a shareholder in one of those agencies, Koru Kids, which could receive money from a pilot Jeremy Hunt announced.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is being investigated by the standards watchdog.Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is being investigated by the standards watchdog.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is being investigated by the standards watchdog.

Quizzed on transparency by MPs over the childcare policy at the parliamentary committee earlier this year, Mr Sunak did not mention the links, saying he had "no" interests to declare.

A few days after the hearing, Downing Street insisted his wife's interest was declared to the Cabinet Office and are now insisting there is “no case” to answer.

Unfortunately for him, in politics its so often not about whether you’ve misbehaved, but whether it looks like you have.

Well before Boris Johnson had been forced to pay a fixed penalty notice, his support had collapsed. It was not policy that brought him down, but the suggestion of breaking the laws, it was about competence and honesty rather than legislation.

Sir Keir was repeatedly accused of breaching lockdown rules by Boris Johnson allies, and even though cleared by police, the case was still damaging for his approval ratings.

Mr Sunak was made leader due to Mr Johnson’s behaviour, and the poor performance of Liz Truss, his whole brand was competence and not talking about misconduct.

Since then this investigation has begun and he was given his second fixed penalty notice for sharing a video where he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt.

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Regardless of the truth of the matters, allegations like these muddy the waters, and follow questions over non-dom status and his US green card.

Politics is about perception, and more incidents like these will only add to Labour’s extensive list of complaints.