Column: Dream of watching Scotland at a World Cup could soon become reality

Scotland supporters haven't watched their team play in a World Cup since 1998. Picture by Andrew ParsonsScotland supporters haven't watched their team play in a World Cup since 1998. Picture by Andrew Parsons
Scotland supporters haven't watched their team play in a World Cup since 1998. Picture by Andrew Parsons
As millions around the globe prepare to cheer their country on in the World Cup, us Scots once again find ourselves sat outside the party, pressed up against the window looking in.

For younger generations of football fans, it’s all we’ve ever really known and we’ve become accustomed to watching major tournaments at home.

From picking names out of a hat in the office sweepstake to supporting the nations of our favourite players, we will all rightfully still have a vested interest in this summer’s spectacle in Russia.

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