Number of Scots in rented homes has tripled over 16 years

The number of Scots living in rented accommodation has risen threefold in the past 16 years. Picture: Greg Macvean.The number of Scots living in rented accommodation has risen threefold in the past 16 years. Picture: Greg Macvean.
The number of Scots living in rented accommodation has risen threefold in the past 16 years. Picture: Greg Macvean.
The number of Scots living in privately rented homes has almost tripled since Holyrood was established, with one in seven households now in this type of accommodation.

The findings come from the 2015 Scottish Household Survey, which shows the overall number of homes in Scotland increased from 2.19 million in 1999 to 2.43 million last year – a rise of 11 per cent.

The latest figures show 14 per cent of all properties were leased from a private landlord, family member, friend or employer in 2015. This compares to five per cent in 1999.

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