Man arrested after two deaths in Inverness

Emergency services responded to a major incident in the Hilton area of the city last night.

Police in Inverness have arrested a man after two men died during a major incident in the Hilton area of the city last night.

Emergency services were called at around 10pm on Thursday following what police called “a disturbance” on Balloan Road.

Police are treating the deaths as suspicious.

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Police in Inverness have arrested a man after two men died during a major incident in the Hilton area of the city last night.Police in Inverness have arrested a man after two men died during a major incident in the Hilton area of the city last night.
Police in Inverness have arrested a man after two men died during a major incident in the Hilton area of the city last night. | Other 3rd Party

Detective Chief Inspector David Hadden, of Police Scotland’s Major Investigation Team, said: “Enquiries are ongoing and at a very early stage.

“My thoughts are with the family and friends of the deceased at this difficult time.

“I would like to take this opportunity to stress that there is no threat to the wider community.

“This appears to have been a contained incident, however there will be a significant police presence in the area while our investigation continues.

“I would like to thank local residents for their patience meantime.

“Anyone with information about this incident, who has not yet spoken to the police, is asked to contact 101 quoting reference number 4347 of 28 May, 2020.

“Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 to remain completely anonymous.”

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