Glasgow police issue urgent appeal after attempted murder

A man was left in critical condition after the attack.

Detectives in Glasgow have appealed for information from the public after a 29-year-old man was attacked in the Castlemilk area of the city.

Officers said the man was found seriously injured in Arnprior Road at around 5:50pm on Monday, May 4.

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The man was taken to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, where he is in a stable, but critical, condition.

Officers said the man was found seriously injured in Arnprior Road at around 5:50pm on Monday, May 4.Officers said the man was found seriously injured in Arnprior Road at around 5:50pm on Monday, May 4.
Officers said the man was found seriously injured in Arnprior Road at around 5:50pm on Monday, May 4. | Other 3rd Party

Police Scotland said it is treating the incident as attempted murder.

Officers working on the investigation are checking all available CCTV and carrying out door-to-door enquiries to identify the person or persons responsible.

Detective Sergeant Keith Runcie, of Glasgow CID, said: "I am appealing to anyone who was on Arnprior Road or the surrounding streets around this time who may have witnessed the attack, saw somebody running away or saw any suspicious activity to contact the police as a matter of urgency.

“I would also ask anyone with dash-cam footage who was driving in the area at the time to check back and see if there is anything that could assist us in our investigation.

“I would urge anyone who may have information in connection with the attack, no matter how small they think it is, to contact the police on 101, quoting reference number 2541 of 4 May.

“Alternatively, if you wish to remain anonymous, you can contact independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."

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