A green mood sweeps Scotland

THOUSANDS of Scots have stepped up to the challenge of fighting climate change and are helping our country set a shining example to the rest of the world.

Six months have passed since The Scotsman and the Scottish Government launched the "Let's Go Green Together" campaign, and the results have been phenomenal.

All over Scotland, there are examples of individuals, groups and whole communities meeting the challenge to tackle the growing climate-change threat and preserve our planet for future generations.

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Almost 3,000 people have signed up to some of ten pledges to lead a greener lifestyle, from using the car less to recycling more.

Nearly 100 groups, from schools to scouts, have been in touch with the Scottish Government after thinking of ways to help the environment, in an effort to get a share of its 18.8 million Climate Challenge Fund.

The huge response comes as the Scottish Government prepares a bill that will see this country aim to lead the way globally in its efforts to tackle climate change.

With plans to slash damaging greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050, it wants to set tougher targets than any other country in the world.

Environment groups have praised the response from Scotland in grasping the urgent need to change our behaviour.

Dr Richard Dixon, the director of WWF Scotland, thinks there is a real opportunity to lead the way across the world.

"On the international stage, Scotland has become a terribly important player, because we have got the most advanced climate targets in a legislative bill anywhere in the world," he said. "That will be the benchmark that every other industrialised country has to live up to."

He thinks all the thousands of people who have played their part in helping the environment in Scotland deserve praise.

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"Anyone who has taken even a small action to help deserves praise, because it's the first step on a journey," he said. "Even if you leave your car at home one day a week, that's a 20 per cent reduction in your car use. Over a year, that's huge. If everyone did that, we would make a big difference to the amount of oil burned in people's cars."

The Scotsman changed the colour of its masthead to green for the day six months a