Martyn James: Go for the burn at home without being ripped off

Try to buy exercise kit second-handTry to buy exercise kit second-hand
Try to buy exercise kit second-hand | microgen
Let’s be honest, millions of us aren’t using lockdown to get healthy and exercise, no matter how many times we’re pretending to watch Joe Wicks (sorry Joe). But there’s still a real desire to live better across the nation, which is why I’m seeing record levels of complaints at Resolver about health and fitness products and services.

With a bewildering array of pills and devices, it’s hard to know what’s legitimate and what’s not. Yet there are things you can do to spot scams and lose weight without hurting your bank balance. Here are some tips.

Check the science bits. Even when it comes to humble old vitamins, the jury is still out on whether they do anything useful in pill form. Countless scientific papers have questioned everything from vitamin C doses to fish oil capsules for kids. So be cynical, speak to your doctor and check to see what accredited research has been done before handing over your hard-earned cash. Many health products are harmless, so you’ll just lose cash if they don’t work. But if you have allergies or health conditions check first before hitting the pills and lotions.

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Beware subscription traps. Many firms offer free trials online or in magazines for health and beauty products at a bargain rate. However, after the trial finishes, you may be suddenly debited hundreds 
of pounds. This scam is known as a “subscription trap”. I get loads of people contacting me personally about it every week. If it happens to you, tell your 
bank to cancel the regular debit – they are required to 
do this straight away. Next, claim the money back through your bank on the grounds you did not authorise it. You’ll need to sign a waiver for the money to be recalled. If you’ve been sent goods return them by traceable post if you can (though this is often not possible). Try to notify the firm you are terminating the subscription in writing too.

Lazy tax. Gyms make their biggest profits from the people who pay a monthly fee but rarely turn up. Think of it as a “lazy tax”. This is even more relevant now that we’re not able to go. Most gyms will have contacted their members with a few options. You may get incentives to stay signed up or you may be able to get a payment holiday. Do respond soon though – you’re missing out on savings. If you’ve not heard anything, get in touch.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to involve excessive prices. There are thousands of recipe ideas of the internet if you type in “cooking on a budget”. Generic, non-brand goods are often made by the same companies that provide the expensive ones, so aim for the cheaper option. Eat seasonal food and shop at your local market if it’s open – you’ll get better deals. And frozen veg is a much cheaper and less wasteful alternative if cash is tight.

Home gym it. You’ll save a packet by getting into the habit of doing a few exercise plans at home. You can get things like skipping ropes, hula hoops, workout videos and more from resale websites or from friends and family for very little. There are free apps which help you get motivated or give you tips on technique. You can also find more detailed exercise plans online for zero pence too. Free videos on YouTube will get you started. Stick to a routine before you start spending.

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