Am I Feeding My Dog Enough? Here's expert advice on how much to feed your adorable dog - and how often 🐶

Feeding your dog the right amount of food - at the right times - is essential for its health and happiness.Feeding your dog the right amount of food - at the right times - is essential for its health and happiness.
Feeding your dog the right amount of food - at the right times - is essential for its health and happiness.
Wondering if you are feeding your dog enough - or too much? Here’s what you need to know.

When it comes to determining the right amount of food for your dog, navigating conflicting advice can feel like chasing your tail.

Should you follow the guidelines on the dog food packaging? Trust your veterinarian's recommendations? Or rely on your pets never-ending appetite?

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From small dogs to big ones, how much should your dog really be eating?

Sean McCormack, Head Vet at tailored dog-food subscription service, has provided expert insight into your canine’s perfect meal size, to optimise their health and wellbeing. 

She explained: “Dog foods are often made to meet the nutritional needs of dogs based on their size. Large-breed foods, for example, may contain specific calcium and phosphorus levels to support healthy bone development and reduce the risk of health issues such as hip dysplasia. On the other hand, small-breed foods may be higher in protein and fat to meet the higher energy needs associated with their size or activity level. 

“Puppies have high energy requirements for growth and development, so they typically require more frequent meals. Whereas for adult dogs it’s recommended they have two meals a day, to help maintain consistent energy levels and prevent hunger between meals. 

“However, some adult dogs, particularly those with certain health conditions or specific dietary needs, may benefit from smaller, more frequent meals. 

“The nutritional needs of dogs vary depending on factors such as their size, age, activity level, metabolism, and overall health. 

“It’s imperative to take each factor into consideration when planning your dog’s meals. Ensuring that your furry friend is receiving the right amount of calories is important for owners to maintain their dog’s overall health.

“Some of the key reasons it’s important to tailor your dog’s diet to them are to optimise nutrition, for weight management, to maintain digestive, dental and muscle health and to reduce health conditions.”

Here are her top tips:

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Pay attention to persistent puppy dog eyes

If you are feeding your dog enough, but notice they continue to fuss, first and foremost, you should ensure that your dog doesn't have any underlying medical issues that could be causing increased appetite. Conditions such as diabetes or gastrointestinal disorders can affect appetite and should be ruled out by a veterinarian as a possible cause for their puppy dog eyes. If your dog's crying persists despite your efforts to address it, consider consulting with a professional dog trainer or behaviourist for guidance on how to modify this behaviour or with your vet - to understand if there are any underlying health issues that you are unaware of.

Stick to a schedule

It is also important to make sure you're feeding your dog on a consistent schedule and providing enough food at each meal. It may be that you need to adjust their feeding schedule to suit their hunger needs. Dogs that are highly active or engaged in regular exercise may require more calories to fuel them.

Weigh your dog

To determine if you may be underfeeding your dog, you can monitor your dog's weight regularly using a scale or by weighing them at the vet. Sudden weight gain or loss can indicate over or under-feeding, as well as potential health issues that may require attention. Better yet, ask your vet team to teach you how to body condition score your dog, a useful technique to monitor their weight at home and keep them healthy and trim. 

Pay attention to their energy levels

Pay attention to your dog's energy levels throughout the day. Underfed dogs may lack energy, appear lethargic, or tire easily during exercise. Conversely, overfed dogs may become sluggish due to carrying excess weight or exhibit restlessness. Toy breeds and small dogs often have faster metabolisms, benefitting from more frequent meals to maintain stable blood sugar levels. Bigger breeds, such as Great Danes or Mastiffs, have slower metabolisms and may be prone to certain health issues such as bloat. Feeding these dogs two smaller meals a day rather than one large meal can help to aid their digestion.

Utilise food subscription services

A good way to help the process in ensuring your dog is eating enough is through dog food subscription services. A key benefit is being able to customise your dog's nutrition, taking into account factors such as age, breed, size, weight, activity level, and any dietary restrictions or sensitivities.  With pre-portioned meals based on your dog's requirements, you can prevent overfeeding or underfeeding and ensure that your dog receives the appropriate amount of food to maintain a healthy weight and body condition.

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