Why it is up to all of us to navigate out of the coronavirus storm - leader comment

Nicola Sturgeon described the decision to close all schools as one of ‘the hardest decisions we have faced so far’.

In the First Minister’s statement on Wednesday she did not pull any punches – “this will massively disrupt life, society and the economy”.

Nicola Sturgeon is right of course.

There is no way to sugar-coat a move which will have a devastating impact on so many, no spin to be applied.

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A woman wearing a face mask in Edinburgh.A woman wearing a face mask in Edinburgh.
A woman wearing a face mask in Edinburgh. | PA (Press Association)

Just 18 days after the first positive case of Covid-19 in Scotland, we have now entered a virtual shutdown with the prospect of stronger measures to come.

Everyone is impacted and everyone is asking the same unanswerable questions – how long and how bad?

The schools, Ms Sturgeon suggested, may not re-open before the summer holidays which gives some indication.

As for how bad, we can only hope that these measures will begin to turn the tide in the fight.

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Plans for vulnerable pupils and those receiving free school meals, pupils undertaking coursework and preparing for exams, and the children of key workers such as doctors, nurses and emergency services will be laid out in Holyrood today by education secretary John Swinney.

The detail will offer some reassurance but it cannot answer all the questions or solve the fresh childcare problems across the country.

The First Minister, and indeed the Prime Minister, have stressed the importance of everyone helping and playing their own part in this crisis. Many families will be feeling the pressure of that responsibility keenly today.

As we face the challenges and inevitable frustrations in the coming days, we do all need to remember the reason for this extreme action – put simply, to save lives.

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We do not know what is around the corner in the fight against coronavirus but we can be sure that we can only get through this by pulling together, being kind, and looking out for each other. Keep listening to the official advice, and do not panic.

The shelves will be restocked and life will continue, albeit with restrictions unimaginable just a few weeks ago.

As the First Minister said yesterday: “This will radically change life, but it’s a measure of how serious the virus and the challenge is. We are heading into stormy waters.”

It truly is up to us all to navigate out of them.