MPs demand government protects oil and gas sector

Picture: Robert Perry/Getty ImagesPicture: Robert Perry/Getty Images
Picture: Robert Perry/Getty Images
The UK government has been told it needs to step up “urgently” to protect the future of Scotland’s oil and gas industry.

The Scottish Affairs Committee at Westminster has published a report outlining significant challenges facing the sector and recommendations to ensure it can thrive.

The committee heard from academics, industry bodies, unions, energy and climate change specialists, experts in decommissioning and regulators, as well as the UK and Scottish governments, over the course of an inquiry.

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Noting the sector had “come through a significant and challenging downturn”, the committee report calls on the UK government to agree an “ambitious sector deal” to protect the future of the industry.

It states: “The opportunities presented by an oil and gas sector deal for Scotland are too significant to be overlooked.

“The sector deal would both provide energy security for the UK for decades to come and support the industry to remain a global leader in energy production.”

The committee recommends developing new technology to maximise the recovery of 10 to 20 billion barrels of oil and gas remaining in the UK Continental Shelf, helping the industry reduce its carbon footprint, and supporting the transfer of skills and technology from the oil and gas sector into other industries.

The industry contributed £9.2 billion to the Scottish economy in 2017, supporting 135,000 jobs, the report said.

Scottish Affairs Committee chairman and SNP MP Pete Wishart said: “The industry is going through a period of immense change as it prepares for a challenging future and the government urgently needs to step up and support the industry.

“My committee’s report sets out a pathway for the future of the industry – a sector deal that would support the industry’s past, present and future.

“There is potentially another 30 years of oil and gas production in the North Sea but it’s important the sector uses this time to ensure the sector’s future as production starts to slow. To do this the government needs to support the sector in exporting its skills and expertise around the world and to transfer the sector’s world-leading engineering into other sectors, like renewable energy and carbon capture technology.”

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Director of environmental campaign group Friends 
of the Earth Scotland Richard Dixon was strongly critical of the report, saying: “This
is an utterly complacent report which slavishly supports the oil and gas industry’s aim of getting every last 
drop of oil out of the North Sea while assuming that 
eye-wateringly expensive technology will save the industry from its own carbon emissions.”