David Mundell heads to the Far East to grow Scottish trade links

David Mundell. Picture: PADavid Mundell. Picture: PA
David Mundell. Picture: PA
Scottish Secretary David Mundell will visit Hong Kong and Japan this week to strengthen trade links withing Scotland and the UK.

Mr Mundell will meet senior political and business figures on his five-day trip during which he aims to promote Scotland as a good place for investment, business and study.

In Hong Kong, Mr Mundell will meet Scottish companies seeking to develop business interests in Hong Kong and the region, Scottish students studying at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and meet winners of the annual UK Government's Hong Kong FinTech Awards.

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Mr Mundell said: "Scotland has long established connections with Hong Kong and Japan and I am looking forward to building on those ties and forming new partnerships as I meet a variety of stakeholders throughout this trip - from businesses and opinion-formers to Scottish students abroad.

"I am particularly keen to promote the UK Government's GREAT Festival of Innovation taking place in Hong Kong in March, offering the latest thinking on innovation across industry, society and community, building life-long partnerships.

"I will also be promoting Scottish produce - such as Scottish craft gin which has been a global success story, and is extremely popular in Japan - and meeting with the Japanese investors in Scotland.

"Scotland's skills, products and services are highly regarded globally, and we can build on that as we leave the EU and strike ambitious new trade deals around the world."