Dismal comedy finally dies a deserved death

Green Wing Special, Channel 4

Build a New Life in the Country - Was it Worth it? Five

FOR fans of dismal comedy, this past fortnight must have been a time of some mourning. Not only did The Vicar of Dibley host her valedictory service, but also Green Wing worked its final shift. And not a moment too soon.

Of course, fans of this gruesomely overrated medical comedy - which bowed out with a feature-length Green Wing Special - like to think of it as a sort of hip antidote to the mainstream cosiness of something like Dibley, when in reality both shows are as conventional as each other. At least Richard Curtis writes actual jokes, whereas Green Wing has always been more interested in showing off how desperately cutting-edge it is with its self-conscious surrealism, pointless camera trickery and scratchy lo-fi soundtrack. This was "edgy" comedy for people who like their edginess spoon-fed to them by a JCB - driven by a GP in a tutu.