Rumour Mill: Reading for Hooper? | Hearts | Kilmarnock

Celtic's Gary Hooper. Picture: Robert PerryCeltic's Gary Hooper. Picture: Robert Perry
Celtic's Gary Hooper. Picture: Robert Perry
CELTIC’S Gary Hooper could be reunited with his old manager at Reading, Rangers’ new investor has harsh words for the Ibrox board, and Henning Berg enters the race for the Kilmarnock job, plus all the latest transfer and off-season news in Saturday’s Rumour Mill.

Gary Hooper: Old boss Adkins could make £5m bid

Reading could be set to bid £5 million for Celtic striker Gary Hooper.

The club’s Russian owner has promised a major cash injection to take the Royals back to the Premier League, and the club have just released 11 players with more expected to leave.

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