Sketch: Nicola Sturgeon plays the hits at Glasgow gig venue

Nicola Sturgeon launches the SNP manifesto at the SWG3 venueNicola Sturgeon launches the SNP manifesto at the SWG3 venue
Nicola Sturgeon launches the SNP manifesto at the SWG3 venue
The venue chosen by a party for its manifesto launch usually tells you something about how it views itself. Or more accurately, how the party wants to be viewed on that night's news bulletins.

The Scottish Greens held a low-key affair in the recently refurbished boardroom in the former head office of the Fairfield shipyard in Govan. The days of heavy industry may be all but over, the party seemed to say, but we can still look forward to a brighter future while respecting the past.

There is nothing low-key about modern SNP events. The days of booking halls in Dunoon are long gone.

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For its 2019 manifesto, the party hired a former warehouse at SWG3 - a sprawling arts complex near the River Clyde. The queue for the free bacon rolls alone seemed bigger than the entire attendance at the Greens' event.

Since the closure of the Arches venue in the city centre, this is Glasgow's best-loved destination for alternative music fans. Big events don't normally kick-off until 10pm, rather than 10am. This is not somewhere you usually see so many middle-aged men in M&S suits.

Back when it was a tough dockside district, the area around SWG3 was known as Kelvinhaugh. But, like everything else west of Charing Cross, the venue is now lumped in as part of trendy Finnieston. The SNP - which knows a thing or two about rebranding - must surely approve.

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SNP manifesto: Everything you need to know about the key policies

Was the party hierarchy hoping to impress the large student population in the city by choosing such a hip venue? Only a cynic could suggest so.

When it comes to gigs, many fans don't bother with the support act. But those in attendance had little choice when it came to Keith Brown's introductory speech as the SWG3 bar remained closed.

The morning's headline act received a standing ovation when she took to the stage at 11.09am - two minutes later than her advertised slot. Broadcasters like to time these things to the last second.

Like all seasoned performers, Nicola Sturgeon knows the best way to keep a crowd happy is to play the hits. Say no to Brexit. Say yes to IndyRef2. More powers for the Scottish Parliament. Watch out for that guy Boris Johnson.

The First Minister gave a list of demands her party would make of any future minority government. A substantial increase in NHS spending. An end to austerity. Scrapping Trident. And the old favourite - the right to hold a second referendum on independence. Everyone in Scotland knows the words to that number.

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These are all policies which will prove popular with the party faithful. But do they stand any chance of being implemented? That depends entirely on who takes power following next month's election.

If a minority Labour government thinks it will get an easy time from SNP MPs, it could be in for a shock. Ms Sturgeon spared no punches when it came to Jeremy Corbyn, who she accused of a "woeful lack of leadership" on Brexit.

But it was Boris Johnson who took the heaviest blows. She branded the PM "dangerous and unfit for office" as she declared: "Unlike the Liberal Democrats, the SNP will never, ever help the Tories into government, but we will be prepared to talk to other parties about forming a progressive alliance."

It was the kind of big moment all headline acts need. But are voters still happy to sing along to such a familiar tune?